Chiropractic Care For Your Teenager

Let’s face it, while technology improves our lives in many ways, it has been undeniably detrimental to one thing, and that is our posture. Many of us spend countless hours a day bent over laptops, cell phones, iPads, smart watches, and the list goes on. All of this wreaks complete havoc on our spines. Luckily for us, ergonomic workstations are becoming more mainstream, but as we make steps to improve our own workplace, it leads me to the question, “what are we doing for our kids?” Chiropractic care for your teenager is just as important as our own.


It is easy for us as adults to advocate for better work stations and to initiate treatment for misalignments, tight muscles, weak muscles, and headaches, but has anyone asked a teenager how they feel after the end of a long school day?! The answer is, more than likely, not awesome! 

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve sat a school desk, but if my memory serves me correctly, they’re not exactly comfortable. Add a laptop and a textbook into that mix and you have a recipe for postural disaster, and chronic neck pain. When we are constantly bent over and looking down, our neck and upper back muscles develop imbalanced relationships of weakness and tightness, leading to pain and misalignments. 

Bringing your middle schooler or high schooler in to get adjusted (or even for some soft tissue work) will greatly improve their concentration and performance in the classroom! Educating them on small changes they can make at their desks to improve posture is also priceless, and may save your child some trouble down the road!

If you want to know more about the services that we offer for your children, give us a call at (404) 600-4117. Don’t wait until something is wrong to get help, Preventative care is the best care, especially for our little ones.

Helping you feel your best with health + humor,

Dr. Jess

Click the link below to schedule your appointment today!

Jessica Duncan Propes